
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Worship Playing vs Band Playing

I recently read an article that compares and contrasts the differences between worship playing and band playing. As I was reading the article It made me think of two things: First, it made me think of the many musicians I've known and played with over the years who are involved in worship for reasons other than solely glorifying God. secondly, it made me think of the worshippers who get distracted by the performance of those musicians and, rather than focusing their attention and worship on encountering Christ, they seem to focus on the musical experience and listen with eyes and ears rather than their heart.

Looking at this from a worship leader's perspective, or looking at someone who leads in worship, it's easy to tell the difference between leading worship and playing in a band. However, many people fail to realize that the musicians playing in a worship band are much more than just hired musicians playing for "the worship leader." Whether it's the drums, bass, guitar etc., playing in a worship band is much more than a performance (Meeting people, making money and getting girls), It's a sacred privilege. A privilege that we have be given to glorify the astounding and magnificent King.

I understand that some of you reading this might be musicians and understand the differences between the two. Some of you may be tone deaf and couldn't hit a good note to save your life (trust me, I've met some of you) and still understand. But the fact is, there are many of us who really don't understand. Regardless, if you do or you don't, this is a good reminder to all, even me, of the one and only reason why we engage in worship through music; to glorify our Creator!

In an attempt to bring perspective, I will scrutinize the two to try and help you comprehend the differences..


1. The motive is created by Love.
--------- A motive created by musical excellence.

2. It's not about me.
---------It's about me getting famous.

3. Skill is not the prerequisite of success.
--------- Skill is the litmus test for success.

4. You play for an audience of 1.
--------- Playing for an audience of 1 is usually a good indication that you should quit.

5. You don't get paid but you're definitely rewarded.
--------- You sometimes get paid, but the reward is momentary.

6. It's bigger than you.
--------- It rarely gets past the local dive.

7. The purpose is to glorify our Creator.
--------- The purpose is to create great music.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Christians and Drinking.

I recently heard a preacher talk about compromise. His lesson was a good lesson in principle. The basic thrust was taken from the story of Solomon. Solomon was given a promise that if he followed the Lord as his father David did, he would not lack a descendant on the throne of Israel. Yet Solomon compromised by disobeying God’s command and took many wives.

The preacher used this story wisely to explain the danger of compromise. Like any preacher, he had examples that would take the eternal principle of compromise and contextualize it for our day so that we might see the immediate danger that we face (since most of us don’t have the temptation to take too many wives!). Yet the examples he gave evidenced the misplaced priorities of many in the church to misdirect the application of the principles to acts that in-and-of-themselves did not represent compromise.

Here is the list of examples of compromise he gave and expounded upon for nearly thirty minutes:

1. Going to the movies with an “R” rating.

2. Listening to a dirty joke at work.

3. Accepting a mixed drink at a party.

This preacher focused on the pressure that often comes to participate in these actions. He said that others will think you are a “goody-two-shoes” if you don’t take part, but if you do, you will have crossed the first line compromise which is the most dangerous line to cross. Following up these examples, he encouraged the listeners with these exhortations:

“We must obey God’s word”

“God’s word is not about not having fun”

“God knows best, and if he says don’t do these things, then we obey without question”

While I agree with what this preacher said about compromise, its danger, and about God knowing best, I felt that the examples he gave were irresponsible, representing a legalistic folk-theology which is more destructive than constructive. Not only this, but as I sat there and listened, I found myself thinking, “This guy has compromised by giving these examples without qualification.”

I want to focus on the example of drinking for just a moment to illustrate what I mean. Let me loosely quote how the illustration was laid out:

If you are at a party and someone tries to give you a mixed drink, what do you do? You say, ‘I am a Christian and I don’t drink.’ But what if the person says come on, just one. You say ‘I really can’t.’ Then the person just tells you to hold the drink and you do. . . This is compromise.”

From the preacher’s point of view, the person crossed a dangerous line of compromise by even holding the drink. Holding the drink will cause you to take a drink and then, as the preacher said, say, “Give me another.”

The assumption behind this illustration is that drinking an alcoholic drink—especially a mixed drink—is the sin that we must avoid at all costs. This is where I think this preacher has compromised himself. He has given in to the temptation of setting up a legalistic standard. He has built a wall of protection around a sinful act and the wall itself has become the object of sin. Drinking an alcoholic drink—even a mixed drink—is not a sinful act (much less holding a drink compromise).

The issue is not drinking, but being controlled by alcohol. Even then, the issue is not simply that God does not like an altered state of consciousness that drinking causes, but it is being out of control.

Ephesian 5:18 “And don’t get drunk with wine, which leads to reckless actions, but be filled with the Spirit [which does not].”

Notice, the emphasis is on the “reckless actions,” not simply an altered state of consciousness. The encouragement of Paul is to be “filled with the Spirit.” This does not refer to an esoteric state of mind, but one of perpetual control being given to God, not something else. The Bible speaks much about drunkenness (i.e. being controlled by alcohol as a lifestyle) because it encourages a state of being where your actions are perpetually in your own control so that you might yield that control to God.

We must balance the warning passages in Scripture with those that speak positively about alcohol. Some encourage its celebratory, medicinal, and emotional purposes and effects.

John 2:1-11: Christ turns water into wine (“the best wine”) so that the marriage celebration could continue. If holding a drink is compromise, how much more so was Christ’s actions? Let’s face it—Christ was a bartender here.

Psalm 104:14-15 14: “He [God] causes the grass to grow for the cattle, And vegetation for the labor of man, So that he may bring forth food from the earth, 15 And wine which makes man’s heart glad, So that he may make his face glisten with oil, And food which sustains man’s heart” (emphasis mine). Here, “wine which makes man’s heart glad” is spoken of as a gift from God.

Proverbs 31:6-7: “Give strong drink to him who is perishing, and wine to him whose life is bitter; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more. (emphasis mine). Here, strong drink and wine are encouraged to be given to those who are in pain.

1 Timothy 5:23: ”Don’t continue drinking only water, but use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.” Paul encourages Timothy to drink wine for his ailing stomach.

Deuteronomy 14:26 “Spend the money for whatever you desire—oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink, whatever your appetite craves. And you shall eat there before the LORD your God and rejoice, you and your household.” The NET Bible translates “strong drink” as “beer.” The NJB translates it “fermented liquor.”

Even Christ was accused of being a drunkard. Why? Because he drank alcohol!

Matt 11:18-19: “For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon!’ 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!”

The sin of being controlled by alcohol is spoken of in the Scriptures as being very serious and many people are effected—even destroyed—by this in our culture. I understand. Alcohol can cause them to be someone who they are not, thereby dishonoring God and His image which they bear. It can lead to destructive behavior. We must do our best to be in control of ourselves if we are to have a consistent witness. But we have to realize that drinking itself is not the sin. And we should not attempt to build walls around it so that it is.

Please know that I understand the dangers of alcohol. For people who struggle with being an alcoholic, the simple act of holding a drink might be compromised were they attempting to overcome their addiction. However, this compromise would not be unlike the glutton who eyes a chocolate bar, the sex addict who watches a movie with slight sexual provocation, or the person with anger problems owning a gun. If you have a particular bent to certain sins, you must know yourself well enough to act wisely with regards to its provocation. But this does not mean that assumptions must be made about everyone’s ability to handle the same circumstances.

In the end, these things must be dealt with carefully and with much wisdom. We must understand that the possible abuse of something neither makes the abuse necessary or evenlikely. Most importantly, we must recognize that it is a sinful compromise to deem that which is not sinful sinful, due to misapplied folk theology, no matter how good our intentions are. Drinking alcohol is not sinful. Let us get over this legalistic fascination and represent the principle truly and with perspective.

Some may say that it is irresponsible for me to say such things because of how some will take it. It is true. I know some people will take this the wrong way and see it as a license to sin. But how much more wrong is it for me to build walls around the truth in fear that someone will abuse it? I can’t temper my understanding or teaching upon how it might be mishandled and abused. I will leave room for the Holy Spirit.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Love God. Love People.

Analysts place the number of homeless Americans at 3.5 million, with 1.4 million being children. According to the National Center on Family Homelessness, 1 in 50 children are homeless in America today.
This number is growing drastically due to the recession we're currently in. This is such a small statistic compared to the rest of the world, but many of us don't understand that a large portion of America, the richest nation in the world, suffers from hurting, broken people as well.

A few weekends ago, a few days before I moved to Raleigh, NC, I was hanging out with some friends downtown Roanoke, VA. That night, as I was walking down the street, I heard someone call my name. I turned to acknowledge the voice, yet I couldn't place the voice with a face in the crowd of homeless people where it had come from. He called out again. He was a friend of mine from Highschool! I hadn't seen him in years! After exchanging a few words, He told me that he had had some problems with his family and that they had given up on him. It was then that the homeless crowd around him didn't seem so distant and strange. He told me that he had been homeless for about a year and a half now. He had shared a little about how he would go from place to place, sleeping in whatever he can find and roaming the streets for food. After a few minutes of chatting, I told him that I had to go because I was on my way to pick up a cell phone a friend was giving me when he had stopped me. So I left.. 10 minutes hadn't even passed when it hit me. I finally realized what had happen. I quickly made my way back to where we had spoken minutes before, but he was already gone. I got in my truck and searched all over downtown for him, but after about a half an hour of searching, I gave up. I had been given the perfect opportunity to witness and help a friend out who, at the time, had nothing, but I didn't. I was so distracted by what was going on in my life that I couldn't take the time to reach out to a broken heart.

I have always lived by a simple rule. Love God, Love People. After all, the greatest example of Christ is to share his love with others, not point and give the "repent or you're going to burn in hell for eternity" finger. But this time I didn't. I had the perfect opportunity and I blew it. I got distracted..
Sometimes we get distracted of what our purpose in life really is.. Sure, we have families we love, hobbies and blessings we enjoy; but when work, school, sports, music, technology, etc. becomes habitual, we don't have time for anything else. It keeps us from fulfilling our purpose. Anything that becomes a routine, that distracts us from serving the Lord, is a sin; and, habitual sin is what keeps us on satan's leash.

So my challenge is this: Think about Jesus and his time on earth. Think about all the weak, sick, broken, hurting people he extended an arm of love to. Think about his teachings and what he says about Loving others in his word. Now think about the homeless person on the corner, standing in the median with a sign between two busy intersections. Everytime we pass them and do nothing, we might as well slap Jesus in the face. Regardless of what we think, not all homeless people use our money to buy alcohol; and, if we're using that excuse to justify not giving, then we have more problems then they do. Finally, think about that homeless person as someone close to you; a family member, a close friend or just someone you know.. Would you react differently?

The challenge is to love others and extend a helping hand, regardless of how they choose to react to it... It's our turn to live by example.