
Wednesday, June 9, 2010


What does the Spirit do?
His works are ineffable in majesty, and innumerable in quantity.
How can we even pounder what extends beyond the ages?
What did He do before creation began?
How great are the graces He showered over creation?
What power will He wield in the age to come?
He existed; He pre-existed; He co-existed
with the Father and the Son before the ages.
Even if you can imagine anything beyond the ages,
you will discover that the Spirit is even further beyond.

-St. Basil the Great-

I came across this quote a while back and can't seem to get it out of
my head. Every time I read this, I'm even more awestruck by how
magnificent our God is and how enormous His love is for us! All of
His perfect, wonderful and beautiful creations, so effortlessly made,
are so vast beyond anything our minds can and will ever comprehend.

I hope that we, as believers, realize that we don't need to get wrapped
up in trying to understand why Christ loves us and just be satisfied
knowing that He does. I hope that we can focus more on loving others
and giving our Lord glory and praise for what He's done, who He is and
what He says, rather than fighting with our brother over open-ended
questions in His word. I pray that WE can be a body of believers who
worship and fellowship together; who help lift each other up and
encourage one another daily. Isn't this what really matters?
Loving, Obeying and Worshipping; Sharing, Reaching and Forgiving?

I am no great man. I am not a saint nor am I of pure heart.
I am not a preacher or a teacher. I am not perfect nor am I humble...

I am like you, a repeated sinner, saved by the grace of our Lord.
A servant who realizes that God, in all His love, creation, power,
beauty and grace, is more vast than anything we can ever comprehend.

He's simply, Incomprehensible.

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